Saturday, November 19, 2011



I am beginning to think the Image of the Beast is complete, malignant NARCISSISM.

Narcissism is a Beast. You can never feed that Beast/Ego enough. Nothing satisfies it. That beast is a cruel, evil ,covetous endless grave and death is it's reward. To bow down to that Image, of that have to deny it, that Beast be in yourself, or others. To bow down means to admit Sovereignty, Lordship, WORSHIP, to Submit...bowing down to any beast is backwards. No man would bow down to a beast...because man is superior to such an inferior creature. No man would worship or admit sovereignty to a lower form animal....HOWEVER...they certainly would do such a thing...IF..'.that' beast was IN THEM. The worship of Sself....considering Self to have sovereignty or omnipotence above all others even God....wouldn't that be the same thing????? Wouldn't that make you a god?

It's just an IMAGE...just a's not Authentic! It's what is PROJECTED!!!!!! An Image is a reflection not the authentic Being. Worship an Image...but beware...the Image you worship is a Beast! When you peel away the masks, when the curtain has been lifted....ya thought you were dealing with a human....but the unveiling proves there is NO human in there....only a Beast. And that Beast requires worship." Worship me or I will devour you! " Do not look behind the veil.' I am a sheep'....there is no wolf in here!" BE BLIND...LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. I want to deceive you, I'm just a harmless, nice ole woman. Do not discover me for when you do...I WILL EAT YOU! Sound familiar? As long as she played along with deception, the Lie, the wolf was disguised and did her no harm...ah but that was the excitement of the beast, the Lie goes before the slaughter...that malignant narcissist had one thing in mind...A FEAST!

 Lil' Red Riding Hood was nothing more than object, a source of food, and he wouldn't eat her until he deceived her.See, the malignant narcissist is a sadist. He liked the game, the hunt, the power.Would you say that the disguised beast here was a psychopath? The wolf? I would!

If you bow down to what is projected...what if what is projected is a LIE??????? What if....what seems to be.. is NOT?
Revelations 17 :8 ...WHEN THEY BEHOLD THE BEAST THAT WAS, AND IS NOT, AND YET IS..huh???' IS Not' but 'Was'(existed) and YET IS(exists)...that is....the Beast. Sounds like a Narcissist. They ARE NOT what they seem, in other words human, they are beasts and have the nature of a beast, yet they do exist, they do, they do!

What if you challenge what seems to be... for what it really is???????? A Lie or a Liar. What if you don't accept the IMAGE and don't receive it's mark? If an Image can leave a mark on you...what does that mean???? If I worship or bow down to an Image and by doing so, I am left with a mark and am marked by that Image (perhaps scarred???) If I receive a LIE...knowing that the Image is just that....not real....but I go ahead with the LIE, I am seduced by it, the Lie, the Image....the BEAST. How bout the False Prophet? Don't false prophets speak lies for their own gain? A False Prophet is a LIAR whether he is deceived or being deceived, matters not. He is perping a LIE.

How can  you not be marked by a Beast if it bites you? IT leaves a mark on you, no?. A beast devours. It does not eat civilly. It tears and bites and gulps. It eats flesh and blood. It does not consider the prey that it eats or it's feelings. It thinks only of Self by instinct and self alone, right?.

And narcissism is just that Beast. It feeds upon you. It does not consider you in any way. It will tear you limb from limb and never consider the pain it inflicts upon you. It has one feed itSelf! Whose god is their own appetite, whose belly is their god.

You can cry, squirm, resist....but the Beast will not stop. A beast has no Empathy!

There is a generation of such as this! A Beast generation that has no empathy, thinks only of itSelf and is even pure in it's own eyes...Proverbs 30;149 just like a narcissist)...however their teeth are like KNIVES(sound like a beast with sharp teeth to you?) and they devour the poor and needy from the earth. They devour those weaker than themselves. They chose them to feed off them. EASY PREY. Easy to catch, to trap, to encompass, to take hold of...They eat the poor(broken, lacking, without) they eat the needy(people who are vulnerable and undernourished) and THEY see a supper! They see a feast when they see a poor or needy person! They do not see a poor or needy person. They do not see a person who is deserving and defenseless. THEY SEE FOOD! They see the poor and needy as a Food Source. A supply, if you will...whether that supply be primary or secondary is of no relevance. The unfortunate are a supply to this beast generation to take advantage of and feed off of..Th.Gullible are "Gulpable"!

Jesus said, when he returns....that this will be the most wicked, adulterous 'generation' that has ever lived. The word generation has a meaning that you would not means:

Original Word: γενεά, ᾶς, ἡ " a race of people"....A race of people that have a Mind of a Beast, who are adulterous and are an Abomination....what if they are in the house of God, calling themselves God....what if they become the Abomination that causes Desolation? What if the church is full of a generation, a race of NARCISSISTS?????? What would God do with them???? Sitting in His church, calling themselves His Bride, representation....the only thing is...He can't be God if THEY ARE.

What would God do with that? If I were God, which I am not, what I would do? His Church should bow at His throne....but rather THEY ARE competing for His throne? A generation like that? A race of people that name God's name, that call themselves Church? Wouldn't that be the most ingenious plan of the enemy to desecrate God chosen possession, to make them an abomination to the Most High, deplorable to Him....rather than a holy generation, as we should be, a unholy generation....full of lawlessness, under strong ALL Narcissists are...believing a LIE and becoming a LIE. A walking ,talking lie, an abomination....mix that with full knowing of the Scripture a couple of tape series and NO repentance....Walllllllllllllllahhhhhhhhh! Presto! magic! What do you have?  And would the wrath of God be kindled against this????? What would God do with THAT????? I ask.

The narcissist says "jesus loves me, this I know for the bible tells me so!" nanny nanny boo boo! jesus loves my narcissism and gives a license for it! jesus worships my Image rather than me bow down and worship His. yeahhh, jesus is alright. he just loves me so much...and only carefully tiptoes to tell me sweet, flattering things in my quiet time." jesus died so that I could remain a narcissist, I don't have to do anything, THATS WORKS and that's the law! I'm a sinner saved by grace but ti doesn't affect my character. I dont have to do anything, He did all for me! I asked for forgiveness so that means I'm saved!" YUK! Another jesus, another gospel????????????????? Sounds like it!


IICorinthians 11:3&4

3"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted..."Woe unto them!

Wonder if God would just....APOSTATE...them ? The Greek word for APOSTATE means to Depart. Same Greek word, Jesus uses when he separates the sheep from the goats and says DEPART from Me. That word" Depart...means 'the departed" THEY ALREADY DID DEPART FROM Him...a long time ago when they exchanged the truth of God for their lie and He sent them a spirit to deceive them and make them comfortable in their sin. They left him along time ago, and so God then, sent a strong spirit of delusion SO THAT they would believe what is false... A LIE. Sound like DENIAL to you? Does me.

Denial says, "It is not so...that did not happen.... It is not that way...I did not do that (well then who did, what did happen and which way is it anyway,huh?)" You will never get the truth outta narcissist

Denial takes the truth and turns the truth into a that the person in denial does not have to acknowledge the truth or accept it. And as long as they say "It is not so...It is not so..." In that moment, that person in denial becomes god, himself. He determines truth, therefore he doesn't have to submit to truth...he determines truth. Truth is light that is hidden but shines brilliantly.It is in clear view but hidden to those who love the darkness. There is no shadow or darkness in Truth....nothing is hidden because there is nothing to hide. Men suppress the truth in unrighteousness....they hold it down, they bury it, they hide the truth, the more they suppress i...t the more unrighteousness it produces. The truth cannot be hidden. It will speak, It will shine...if you hide it, IT will find you out. If you suppress it in sin(unrighteousness) Sin will find you out. Truth cannot be denied. Woe to them who call evil good and good evil. Woe to them who call Truth a lie and a Lie the truth. Liars hate the do thieves. As long as they CAN hide behind their lies, they feel safe, protected, unseen. Expose the lies and they have no hiding place....they cannot operate without the LIE. The lie is the cover or the Covering. Delusion, is like adultery. It dilutes the truth, like adultery adulterates the truth. Their is always a mix in dilution(delusion) or adultery(adulterated) The mix, waters down the true potency of the substance, carrying a little of the real substance enough for it to pass as authentic... BUT IT IS NOT....without it's pure form, IT IS not the same, rendered ineffective, useless and without potency It's original purpose is brought to nothing.

That is the case with delusion. Just enuff of the truth to seem right( a man's way seems right in his own eyes) but on closer may seem real but it ain't real. it's a Counterfeit. It may seem like Jesus, but it ain't Jesus. It may seem like the gospel, but it ain't the Gospel. The Gospel requires death to it's subjects. The flesh, the ego, identity, love of self, love of others above the Most High, love of this world, love of pleasure, love of riches, love of power...ALL MUST DIE to be reconciled with the work Messiah finished on the Cross. Taking up our cross is not the mental ascent, or symbolic. It is literal. No death, no resurrection. No death in conformity, no changed nature. No confession, repentance, no abandonment of sin(self) transformation. False conversion, no true salvation.No true remorse, no godly sorrow, no conviction of one's own sin = a religious beast.

So what is left? A gospel that does not deliver from sin but enables sin. A gospel that accepts the sinner with no power to save the sinner form his sin. A gospel that allows SELF to thieves...coming up another way....they ascend in the christian arena. They don't humble themselves, they don't repent....they come up another way and avoid the true power of the Cross. They acknowledge all the right Scriptures but none of those Scriptures or Christ Himself have any Sovereignty over them. Therefore the confession of their faith becomes glib superficial Scripts. They learn the language of christianease, and eat without fear???? Hmmmmmmm?????????

.Jude 1:12 CSB
Holman Christian Standard

"These are the ones who are like dangerous reefs at your love feasts. They feast with you, nurturing only themselves without fear. They are waterless clouds carried along by winds; trees in late autumn-fruitless, twice dead, pulled out by the roots."

Only a beast eats without fear. Man before God should eat his bread in silent reverence. God meant that meal time should be holy, thanking the One that gives us our daily bread, the Source of all our sustenance.  Brute beasts eat without fear....amongst us...but what they feed upon the SHEEP.

He who is marked by the beast...could it be that they are marked with malignant Narcissism? They are already marked for it, their character and disposition is without conscience, without fear ( I speak of reverent fear) They live for an Image that is marked by a beast. The beast within...they mimic love, Christianity, kindness...but it's all for Self and filthy rags. It is ALL to be seen by be heard by men...loving appearance rather than loving God.

Taking on a form of godliness but denying it's power? What's power? THE CROSS. They transform into angels of light but inwardly are wolves, beasts and ministers of Satan. WOW...I am not referring to TV preachers, or THEM over there....ya know "those people". I am referring to you and me. I am referring to the narcissist in your life and if the Narcissist be you and you bear that mark and are marked by that character... and live for that Image but still are a beast inside being not redeemed and domesticated by the true gospel....look unto yourselves, lest after you have run the race...are disqualified.

A malignant narcissist, in the church world, I could see as being the most destructive weapon of Satan. On a lay level or leadership level, does not matter. One narcissist can destroy many, numerous poor and needy people and do much harm. They are dangerous the spectrum or sphere of influence matters not, the destruction is the same.

Worship the IMAGE, receive the MARK...we have a choice. We choose to worship or not to worship. We chose to receive or not to receive. What if the Image of this Beast is an Image that looks like Jesus, is real close, in fact, so close, that it's real hard to distinguish because they say they love God and they say the right things and they have a seductive spirit, seducing with a Lie, those that have itchy ears, only wanting to hear the good word of the Lord...but underneath there is a doctrine of a beast, devil, demon. But we go along with it because God forbid..."We accuse the brethren"...The BRETHREN? Are they? Are we not allowed to inspect the fruit on their tree? So called Brethren...we are not even supposed to eat a meal with....

"Hey, but that's judging and that's not the love of God, that's condemnation!" Really? It is? So you mean we are not supposed to test the spirits of those who come to us? You mean it's judging if ya happen to notice that this person you let in your life....ALL of their fruit is rotten...but you have to go along with it??? You cant say a word? That would be judging? Try to speak the truth to so called brother, who is narcissist and religious. WATCH OUT! Before it's all done...the truth you tried to speak has all the sudden been turned around on you and you have become the judging Pharisee condemning them! Yet, their selfishness and lies and their exploitation of you, their sadistic ruining of you.....well that's not condemnation they put you they devour you any resistance is considered a threat and insubordination. Any...calling out of what truly is going on is said to be a guilt trip and control. Wow. Amazing how the outside of the cup can make the inside of the cup "look" clean and innocent and make you "look' filthy and condemning. It's just brilliant how that works! What complete mind control they have and religious mind Stalin said" Religion is the Opiate of the people!"

I am beginning to think EVERY reference to THE WICKED is referring to THE NARCISSIST in the bible...And when read, there are more numerous scriptures with full description as to what God thinks is is amazing!!! If I replaced the word WICKED in all scripture references with NARCISSIST....they completely coincide with articulate description of modern day psychology of narcissism. Like I said, amazing. Try will give you a cold chill down your spine.

God has called them out on their stuff since the beginning of time and according to the bible, they are the seed of the serpent. If you look deeper in scripture it's all there. That is why Jesus told the Pharisees they were a brood of Vipers and that their father was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. he said "they' killed the prophets and "they" wound up killing Him, the Messiah. Jesus told them what they were and they said we are the natural born seed of Abraham!" "They" didn't get it!!!

Look at the character of the Pharisees. People think you are a Pharisee if you believe in personal holiness and integrity or if you call the wicked(narcissist) out on their sin! How twisted, because the Messiah did and Paul and Peter did and they weren't legalistic pharisees for doing so...

Back to the character of the Pharisees. All they cared about was the IMAGE they projected....To be seen by men as righteous, when  they were not! They loved places of honor and have POWER over others. They were full of the leaven of hypocrisy( like ALL narcissist are) They strained at a knat(small thing, injustice) but then would let a camel get by(a great injustice they would tolerate or ignore) Of course was a diversion to put condemnation on their slaves, God's people.

They did not have mercy(empathy) and cared more about POWER than PURITY. Wow.
The IMAGE was everything to them and not the real character. Projecting to love God....they did not more love God than the worst heathen. IT WAS ALL A SHOW! Somehow, they thought if they PROJECTED It, then it would be true....sound familiar.??? They lived in secret sin and adultery but wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery.They put heavy burdens on the people but did not live it themselves....hmmmmm? BEWARE THE LEAVEN OF THE PHARISEES!!!! Jesus said that...

These are the ones who crucified THE LAMB....notice that JESUS is consider a harmless LAMB but he was murdered by BEASTS!!!!!  It's not hard for a true believer who is obedient, for their righteousness to exceed that of the Pharisees...because righteousness begins with a pure heart in wanting to please the Lord. True holiness is by product-fruit of authentic love for God out of relationship with Him. Outward holiness is what Jesus warned be seen by men but not REAL....that is why the BEAST....Is not! He Is not what he seems...because LOVE is sincere!

The Pharisees were narcissist MURDERS, it was their nature, like CAIN, the first narcissist. Religion was their guise. It wasn't true religion full of meriy(empathy) and good fruits. It was white washed tombs(looking beautiful on the outside) full of dead men's bones( all the murdered saints they killed and buried and COVERED UP) Jesus who they were and who their father was IE THE BEAST. They weren't fooling him and he knew they were going to kill him! Still he confronted them with the message of REPENTANCE and they were offended! Amazing huh? I mean, what would they have to repent of??? No conviction of their sin or what was in their hearts, no CONSCIENCE, no remorse for their sin...because they didn't need his righteousness. THEY HAD THEIR OWN SYSTEM OF BEING JUSTIFIED. They didn't need a Messiah. The thought of that was blasphemy to them....still Jesus offered them the chance to repent and he would have gathered them under Him like hen gathers her chicks...but they refused. So, he destroyed their religion!!!!!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

All the judgements poured out on the wicked, after much study and research of the Scripture...seems to be upon those that are the NARCISSIST!!!! Now, God is looking pretty fair to me. he is NOT some cruel God up there wanting to visit wrath on His children's heads. NO! That wrath is reserved for the NARCISSIST and their broods. The wicked and their children.

But wait! We are ALL desperately wicked and in need of a Savior...TRUE...We are! Try to get a NARCISSIST to admit that! Ever tried that?????? You cant get them to admit with an honest broken heart that they are! OR.....drumroll.....they cop out that we are all sinners as if that excuses them and they do nothing about the sin. IT DOESN"T BOTHER THEM ONE BIT! They really don't believe they are even bad much less WICKED! How can you be a candidate for salvation and need a Savior if deep down you don't believe you are wicked, if deep down you believe you are somewhat are you ever going to get a CONVICTION out of a sinner if you are a HOLY GOD, if the person does not believe they are all that bad???? OUR HOLY JUDGE IS LOOKING FOR A CONVICTION< HE WILL GET A CONVICTION< ITHER NOW< OR WHEN WE STAND BEFORE HIM< BUT EITHER WAY HE IS GOING TO SEE US PROSECUTED FOR OUR SIN AND REBELLION TO HIM. Once He obtains that, THEN AND ONLY THEN does he offer the convicted repentant sinner! And that's not a one time deal! Staying repentant is prerequisite to remaining in the faith!Why don't people get that????? narcissit have turned the gospel into a gospel that fits their selfish agenda and they FRAME the Word of God to fit what they want!!!! Picking and choosing the scriptures that make um' feel good and twisting the Scriptures to revolve around SELF!!!!! UGH!!!! Because the Narcissist justifies all his lies and murders and manipulations and exploitations and adulteries....and they have rationalized why it was right in their eyes....because THEY ARE their own eyes! WHT CAN"T PEOPLE SEE THIS??????

Now the gospel looks like a country membership rather than a called out and seperated people. It is so watered down. There is no need for counting the cost ! There is no cost! Jesus blood was NOT free...It cost HIM EVERYTHING! To truly serve Him, there is a cost involved and the cost is our stinking fleah being BBQ"D! GOT IT?????? We are to offer Him ourselves a LIVING SACRIFICE, HOLY AND ACCEPTABLE TO HIM! THE LAMB! HE IS LOOKING FOR A BRIDE THAT WILL OFFER HERSELF JUST IN THE SAME WAY AS HE DID, NOT TO PAY FOR MANKIND'S SIN BUT TO WALK WORTHY OF HER BRIDEGROOM, KING... AS A TESTAMENT OF HER LOVE FOR HIM!

Do you really thik THE KING is coming back for a SELF CENTERED< NARCISSISTIC< VAIN<UNFAITHFUL<WHORE with the same nature as THE BEAST?????????? C'Mon!!!!

Again, how is a HOLY GOD to convince these deceived creatures that they are as wicked as THEY ARE??????? Do you think these beast regard His Love???? Do you think they ever truly humble themselves??? Do you think they even know how to perceive and tell the truth??? Are you kidding me? The answer is infallibly NO. What is a HOLY GOD to do? Is there no consequences for sin? Shall he let Narcissists destroy HIS PEOPLE? And then the question comes back to.....WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HIS PEOPLE BECOME NARCISSISTS????????????? Ohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo!!!!!! THEY APOSTATED! DEPARTED! EXCHANGED THE GLORY OF GOD OFR A LIE!

He is HOLY GOD, He is a RIGHTEOUS JUDGE. He is NOT MOCKED by what man does. He is a God of freedom and choice and gives us just that. He will judge the wicked and if we will humble ourselves and call on His name and turn from our WICKED WAYS, He will come in and turn to us and forgive us and heal us! He will beour God and we will be His people.

But for those malignant Narcissist who will not do so....His wrath is reserved(on reservation) for them! Fair and Equitable is He! Holy Is His Name! Righteous and True are ALL HIS WAYS!!!!!! Worship the LAMB, Who WAS and IS and IS TO COME!!!! He ALONE IS WORTHY! He ALONE IS INNOCENT....none of us are! I don't have a problem with you?????? Why would you??????? Because if the truth hurts...IT SHOULD!

Back to the Beast you worship the BEAST?????? Is it your Beast that you bow down to, inside yourself? And do you pet on that beast and give it treats, making provisions for the flesh? Making excuses and allowances for that beast to thrive in you???? That thing inside is not adorable, or cute or funny or brilliant. IT WILL DESTROY YOU! Or how bout this????? Do you bow down to a liar and receive his lies? Do you inadvertently worship a BEAST in your life, by enabling that BEAST and keeping them in their blind sin???? Do you let a BEAST rule your life and destroy you????? Do you show partiality to the WICKED? How bout this???? Are you afraid of what life would be like if you came out from them and were separate???? Like the bible says to do with the unclean or unclean persons????? If you depart from them God PROMISES He will be a father to you and be your God....because as we know...if you are with a BEAST...He cant be your God....the BEAST(NARCISSIST) expects to be worshipped and he will get his worship(ers.)

What fellowship do light and darkness have together? Do you justify the wicked by tolerating them????  Not supposed to! Do you allow them to abuse others and do nothing??? Are you allowing them to teach your children their ways?????? Are you afraid of the BEAST(narcissist) in your life???? I was!!!! Fear is reverence,Fear is worship. They only thing we are to fear is God. He doesn't share. We are not to Fear Man, Beast or Devil....but only HE THAT IS WORTHY. If you are living in fear of a BEAST(NARCISSIST) are you not receiving their mark? They are scarring and maiming you, they are destroying you and your life, they are setting you up like they did Jesus and they are not going to change their minds about you. THEY hate you. You are nothing more than a slave to them. You are an object of some kind of service or worship....nothing more.

If you, like Jesus, call them out on their hypocrisy and abuse, especially if you do it in public or in front of any audience( The one thing a Narcissist cannot endure is an ILL AUDIENCE) They will work overtime to destroy you and when it's all said and done....just like Jesus plight. They will convince the audience that you are the Egoist, and you are the one blaspheming God and you are the sinner hanging with drunkards and prostitutes and they wont stop until they completely captivate their audience and persuade them of their LIE....and you will receive the same outcome, the same fate, the same reward that Jesus did from the Pharisees...A CRUCIFIXION. Not even the Messiah could stand against them....oh He could of... but He gave His life and put up with those BEASTS ridiculous plots, schemes and lies in order to give His life's blood, INNOCENT blood for you and me AND 'them" if "they" would only repent! and I aren't Jesus. We are not the Messiah. The Pharisees ENVIED Jesus cause He was the REAL THING. It was ENVY that sent Jesus to the Cross, the bible says...who can stand against ENVY?If the Messiah couldn't...what makes you think you are so special???? That special thinking is what will get you in trouble and that special thinking IS the stinking thinking of the NARCISSIST BEAST!!!!! Ewwwwww weeeeee! Yikes!

Your not going to change that BEAST... You will become a BEAST thinking your "special" love can change them...we are talking about people that are not human inside....forget it not! You can't domesticate a beast, you cant rationalize with a beast or make any must treat them as a BEAST...if you turn your back for one minute they will eat you alive! They are already as we speak, planning their FEAST and you are the MAIN COURSE!

What do you think the WEDDING SUPPER OF THE LAMB IS GOING TO BE ANYWAY? It's not what people think! The wicked, The BEAST and those who worship his IMAGE(in themselves or in man) are going to eat God's people alive...that is what is in their hearts, just as it was the different. Well, God is going to eat the wicked ALIVE at the Supper of the about it in Revelations 19. Go ahead read about it. Might shock some narcissist! After much bloodshed of the saints and martyr's He is coming to rescue His true people and the FOWL OF HEAVEN are going to FEAST on the WICKED who were devouring God's people and the BEAST and all those who took his mark will be consumed.

17 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and with a loud voice he called to aall the birds that fly directly overhead THE BIRDS OF HEAVEN, b“Come, gather for cthe great supper of God, 18 dto eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave,5 both small and great.” 19 And I saw ethe beast and the kings of the earth with their armies fgathered to make war against THE LAMB who was sitting on the horse and against his army. 20 he deceived the whole world.And theBeast was captured, and with it gthe false prophet hwho in its presence6 had done the signs by which ose who had received the MARK OF THE BEAST and those who iworshiped its IMAGE. These two were jthrown alive into the lake of kfire that burns with sulfur. 21 And the rest were slain by the sword lthat came from the mouth of him who was sitting on the horse, and mall the birds were gorged with their flesh.

Notice the whole world was DECEIVED!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!! Which Tree had they been eating from?????????'s ain' that difficult to figure out! THE TREE OF LIFE(Yahusha is His real name) or The TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL????????( The Beast's Tree) 'Go ahead Eve, eat of my Tree, your eyes will be opened and you can decide good and evil and be your own god and will be wise!' Ga head! DONT EAT OF THAAAAAAT TREE!!!!!!!!! oR YOU WILL WIND UP BEING SUPPER FOR THE FOWL OF HEAVEN THAT WILL GORGE THEMSELVES ON YOU! Do you hear the sentence for taking the MARK OF THAT DECEIVER?????? Make sure you are following the TRUE GOSPEL( The Tree that tells the TRUTH!

Don't worship any BEAST( or system), don't fear them, don't desecrate yourself(God's temple) or defile yourself with them. Come out and be separate. Flee BABYLON(confusion) Depart from the wicked.. Come out from their midst lest you receive their plagues....stop making excuses of why you are still in bed(covenant) with them. Do you really think the disciples or apostles hung out with these?????? C'Mon...of course NO!!!  You are doing the kingdom of heaven, no favor. If you want to be martyred...go ahead. It is a needless death and does not give God glory when you could be saving others from your soon, near fate....if you wanted to die at the hand of the BEAST...go right ahead...but if He, Jesus gives you a way of escape then WHY???? Why don't you come out from that demonic covering of that person that is bringing judgement on you?????? If you' can' receive their plagues... if you are joined with them... and you have been warned to COME OUT FORM THEM (BABYLON) lest "you" receive their SAME plagues....what makes you think you are so special that their judgement wont be yours too... if you do not separate yourselves from these?????" Well....God wouldn't do that to me!" OHHHHHHH REALLLY??????? Uhhhhhh, yes, He would or He wouldn't warn you first. If He warns you it's because he loves you and does not want you to share their same fate! They will turn you into an eternal narcissist serving them, their BEAST< GOD <SELF and all the while you thought you serving God. Ya CANT serve TWO MASTERS.... you will wind up loving the one and hating the other. Jesus was talking about money. Narcissists LOVE MONEY. If you are yolked with them you will wind up serving their God's.....just like Solomon made the mistake of doing.....don't think that you are so special that you are one bit better than Solomon!!!! You are not!

The only chance you have is to FLEE!!!! Get out! Run! SAVE What is left of you so you can worship the TRUE CREATOR who is no beast but a LAMB. You cant be MARRIED TO THE LAMB AND A BEAST at the same time. God expects you to choose Him...otherwise you will wind up in compromise, beat down by your narcissist BEAST, the joy of the Lord will depart, the presence of His Spirit will be grieved continually and quenched. You will be the walking wounded continually and the target of the BEAST wrath. He wont let you buy or sell or move freely and independent of him. He wants to be your GOD....but will keep you poor and needy and will devour you in the end. Don't receive his mark, his deception, his mode of operation. Don't worship the FALSE IMAGE OF HIM...the only way to have peace with this BEAST is to just go along with it! You can tell yourself you are not...BUT YOU ARE....because the only way to have peace with them is to be silent and that is peace at any cost. And Jesus said whatever they do in secret, whatever He whispers in your ear, shout it from the housetops! Paul said to expose their deeds of darkness.

I believe in the end..and we are definitely there, THIS IS THE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION. I believe that when NARCISSISM becomes so Malignant and severe and sadistic...IT IS TOTALLY DEMONIC and these people become possessed with THE TRUE BEAST. They become possessed and Holy Spirit desolates them...ABANDONS... the house(s) ie house of God-.and they are given over to their ABOMINATIONS. The ABOMINATIONS that causes what to desolate? Full blown Narcissism in God's church cause the Holy Spirit to leave these people who were called by God's name because they BELIEVED A LIE and if they believed a LIE...they had to of believed a LIAR....were seduced, beguiled, by a doctrine of demons...some seducing narcissist spirit seduced them into believing and receiving a LIE. They exchanged the TRUTH of GOD for a big fat Lie!!!!!

"Hey, Church, you can be your own God and still serve Jesus....come on back now! We don't want to offend you or condemn you! C'Mon.... Just as I Am...Just as you ARE....ya know. All ya gotta is confess your sins and He's faithful and just to forgive um. Forget all that repentance stuff! You cant repent, you cant help the way you's gonna take years of me teaching you how to get in His manifest presence for you to get there and your gonna need me for that. So don't worry about repenting. Come as you. Jesus loves you. Dont believe all that stuff about being holy. We cant be holy! Only jesus is holy!(that sounds right) blah, blah, blah...blah, blah blah....blah blah bah!

Repent(ance) is the message of John the Baptist, the Messiah and the Apostles....God wouldn't tell us to repent if we could not! He is not cruel or exasperating. That would be unjust and He is totally JUST. Repentance means to take personal responsibility for your sin against HIM, to admit, forsake and abandon sin. But we have helped Jesus, John the Baptist and the Apostles over the years....and we have formulated a gospel that requires nothing of man. God commands men everywhere to REPENT. He does require something from us! We cant pay for our sins, cant atone for them, HE DID THAT FOR US...but what we 'can' do because of Him... we can turn away from our sin and that should be our response when He pours out His Spirit on us. But we, changed all that now and we present a gospel that NO narcissist/beast could resist! All they have to do is TAKE from Jesus,which they are natured that way( so that works with their pathology) Nothing is required of them ( that works for them too, bcuz that goes along with their nature too) They can keep all their abominations that they do and cleverly cover, spin doctor around all those they wound, maime and desecrate, outwit the pastor, the counselor and pretend to be a teachable christian...when all the while they are murdering the sheep around them and getting by with it, hook, line and sinker...and their LEAVEN spreads as they seduce others with their glib superficiality...dumb sheep follow them unaware.

They are so convincing, so persuasive, so compelling...knowing all the scriptures now(which is only a power point for the malignant narcissist) Knowledge is power to them where as, God says, knowledge only puffeth up...but love builds up. Well, these beast/narcissists get all puffed up on the KNOWLEDGE of God's word and that's where it stays. They don't receive God's Love so it is not their motivation. They use his Word as a lure for the poor and needy and even unstable they can carry out their beast plan....slipping into our love feasts, eating without fear...they will start fleecing the sheep and expecting worship from them rather than pointing them to the Messiah.

Pretty soon before you know it...generation after generation of this wrong gospel...this leaven spread throughout the entire church world and planet. AND NOW, the spirit of lawlessness is in the church, sitting in the seat of God, in His temple( what is His temple? WE are His temple Ephesians 2:19) CALLING HIMSELF you get that???????????????????

We that are not narcissist and are crucifying our flesh, taking up our cross daily are guilty as well. Guilty be association!  Why??? or How???????Here's how:

All that is necessary for evil to Triumph is for good men to do nothing Therefore they no longer remain good, as men, by taking no action. Indifference is tolerance and apathy is the brother of destruction. Those who are good and do nothing...forfeit their own goodness by reason of consent to evil." Edmond Burke

Do nothing. That's it. Watch the wicked extort the righteous. Do nothing. Witness the Narcissist rape and pillage, exploit and conquer the poor and the needy. let them weave their web and work their sorcery, let them get by with another murder of another's psyche character, well being or dignity....and DO NOTHING.

Jesus did something. He took a whip and beat them.He called them out for their hypocrisy and extortion. He publicly rebuked them for their sin. He explicitly described their sin and how they operated in cunning ,hidden,darkness. He exposed their motives. He warned them of judgement to come... and in, by doing all these things, He was TRULY LOVING THEM.

How could absolute Truth pass them by seeing how they enslaved his people and DO NOTHING. He could not. Jesus was GOOD for confronting the Pharisees NARCISSISM.HE CONFRONTED THE BEAST WITHIN THEM AND THE IMAGE OF THAT BEAST. He did not bow down.He did not receive their deceit or flattery, He did not for His goodness by consenting their evil. He DID shine light on their darkness and called it just that. He DID not give them a "special" place with him, like they so loved and desired...rather He put them in their place.

That is how Messiah dealt with them. now, He could have gone further in his ministry and done more good if He would have consented to their evil and they would have lifted him up for doing so...but then WHAT MINISTRY? He would have lost His MINISTRY by doing that! HE WAS GOD> He did not need them to further His Kingdom and had he done such a would proven Him to be just as them.. IMAGE of the Messiah, not the MESSIAH. Are you looking for some BEAST to make your dream, ministry, career happen????? Dont eat from that Tree!

Jesus knew these BEAST...the Serpent was called a BEAST of the field. And that beast/serpent told Ev,e if she would eat of his tree she could be AS God, ie A GOD, her own god! Wow! Eve, the first initiate to the occult, the first satanist by proxy, simply because SHE LISTENED TO A BEAST AND TOOK HIS ADVICE/ENTICEMENT! Narcissism spreads quickly, she initiated her husband and he ATE of the TREE OF THE BEAST/SERPENT. Keep hanging with out with your antchrist,beast,narcissist, brood. A Brood of Vipers is a family of Serpents...that's what the Messiah called them...pretty harsh words but they were no accusations...Jesus never lied, it was not IN HIM to...there was no serpent/beast character in Him. They were exactly what He called them. And they were so angry that He had exposed THEM...sound familiar?

Funny how that evil spirit operates...because they twisted the truth, accused Jesus of being the Narcissist calling Himself God (but HE WAS) In the end, the painted a picture and FRAMED it and the picture they painted and framed was of themselves PROJECTED upon the LAMB OF GOD. They called Him the Beast and convinced everyone around Him...that He was just they crucified Him. That is the price payed for standing up to the Beast ESTABLISHMENT. (More than one Beast in Power, in Revelations the Beast described there had many heads....many narcissist come together to rule in power, combining religion/politics or possible possession as with a Legion/multiple personalities! Both could be true.

Those that receive the MARK OF THE BEAST will be DECEIVED. So deception proceeds the MARK. Who is more deceived, more in Denial and deceives more than the common average NARCISSIST? They will be Eternally Damned with no hope of redemption or forgiveness because they would'nt repent of THE BEAST... once they receive the Mark,Antichrist Spirit goes along with that if you are not AntiChrist then those with the Mark will hate you because THEY HATED HIM- The LAMB.

What is more Anti-Christ than a Narcissist???? They exist to resist any and all the true teachings of Christ. Those who have religious postures and are saturated with the religious spirit are the worst, most damaging Narcissist of all. No wonder Jesus called them wolves in sheep's clothing. They pretend to be innocent and harmless like the nature of a sheep...but deep down, the true nature resides a ravenous BEAST...wanting to "appear' like a true follower of the Shepherd but lurking inside, hidden from view, is a predator, who preys on the sheep and devours them, scattering them. It's all in the Word of God. These narcissists are false prophets. You don't have to have a congregation to be a false prophet...To be a false prophet all ya have to do is proclaim something about yourself and your relationship with God THAT IS FALSE. False Prophets want people to listen to them and believe what they say is true AND project themselves as living the TRUTH....when in actuality...THEY ARE NOT. They are false....not the real deal!

So when God says He is going to destroy the wicked. When He says that their prayer is an abomination to him...that their sacrifice is as well( not sincere, all to be seen by men, big cover up, using the Most high as their cover) When he says...He is angry with the wicked everyday(Ps 7:10) Why do we find that hard to believe???? The Lord is compassionate to the broken and the contrite. he is compassionate to those whom the wicked prey on. He is JUST, FAIR and EQUITABLE. He weighs and measures all things. He weighs the scales of our deeds and watches how we treat people. IT ACTUALLY MATTERS TO HIM how the Narcissist treats you and you treat others. He takes it personally, when THOSE GOATS mistreat you or even the very least of the brethren. Jesus,even cares a bout the least person in His kingdom. He will tell those GOATS to.....
"Depart from em, you lawless ones(cursed ones) into everlasting fire....because....I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink...out in the cold, in exposure.... I came to your door, but you sent me away saying "god bless at peace" You didn't care about my nakedness or hunger or need. You didn't care that I was suffering. YOU DID NOTHING.

"In as much as you have done it to the very least of My have done it unto Me"....DEPART FROM ME". Matthew 7:23

A GOAT IS ALSO CONSIDERED A BEAST. The mark, the clear distinction of these BEASTS was how they treated others...and sad thing is....THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE GOOD! They thought so highly of themselves that they did not see their own hypocrisy. I don't blame Jesus for saying,

 " Depart from Me, get away from Me....I never knew you. You didn't repent, you didn't take up your cross and DIE TO THE BEAST didn't have My Spirit. My laws were not written upon your hearts for you to KEEP THEM...actually DO THEM. You wanted to be seen by men and thought you could come up to Me, My Kingdom, another way...not the WAY I PROVIDED".

"I AM THE WAY! The path, the narrow path, the one I took, was the path you should have taken! The lonely road of brokeness and SELF DENIAL was the road I didn't go there! You perferred to LIVE IN DENIAL rather than come clean with Me and get real about your sin, hidden in your heart. You made a god IN YOUR OWN IMAGE! IT WAS NOT ME! I do not bear your Image and YOU REFUSED TO BEAR MY IMAGE....That was the whole point and you missed it! Too busy loving this world an all you could obtain here on earth, rather than having the LOVE OF MY FATHER INSIDE OF YOU. You treated Me just like you treated those I put around treated Me like a pawn, an object to be used, an inferior being, who does not deserve decency and curtousy. YOU DID NOT LOVE...get outts My face!"

Their response to Jesus was "When Lord? Didn't we do miraculous things in Your Name?' They had no idea how evil they were.They were pure in their own eyes but not made pure in the eyes of Him who sees the secrets of men's hearts. They thought they "got over" on Yaweh as much as everyone else and treated THE ONLY INNOCENT ONE as stooopid as they did their fellow man They had been performing and doing outward things to make themselves and others believe they were followers of the Lamb and His sheep...all the while they were being THE BEAST NARCISSIST they truly are.....and Jesus didn't buy their DENIAL or what THEY PROJECTED AS AN IMAGE. if they truly loved him they would not have stiffened their necks and hearden their hearts to His Voice when He called out to them to REPENT.

Jeus said, "ONLY Yaweh is GOOD. Jesus didn't like being sucked up to like the pharissees did. He refused sucking up! He knew it was false and wouldn't allow it. He didn't play man's games to win. The way He won was by dying to Himself to show us how to do the same! But the BEASTS loved that kinda stuff, they lived for others to call them good! Do you think you are good? Do you treat people,anyone wickedly and still think you are good???? If so, I got news for you....YOU'RE NOT! Stop longing for men's approval or adulation. Stop defining yourself by what men say. Stop being a MANPLEASER. Start being a GOD PLEASER. Please Him in secret and treat others as though they were Jesus. Stop treating others like beasts and stop expecting people to treat you like GOD. Stop worshipping FLESH AND BLOOD and stop endorsing people who resemble THE BEAST!

He knew the BEAST WITHIN THEM and the motives of their ravenous hearts. He was watching. He saw it all. What they hid was laid bare and naked before His HOLY EYES. They thought cause they fooled everyone else and did it so well....that they fooled Him too. God is not mocked.



As long as you are truly worshipping THE LAMB and not the BEAST OF SELF or the BEAST IN should be alright but if you truly worship The will affect the way you treat others and Jesus will reward your kindness.

Lucifer is a are His followers, those goats are beasts and they cannot replicate the nature of the sheep who follow the Lamb everywhere He goes. They can only "appear" as angel's of light, they can only disguise themselves as sheep, they can only mimic compassion....just like their father duhhhhhhhhhhh devil!


  1. Excellent expose' on the "abomination that causes desolation" (aka Narcissists). As a former scapegoat of my family of origin, (former because I am now no contact), I could not agree more. This is all 100% Truth. Thankyou for writing this and thank you Holy Spirit for giving this precious soul the insight to know these things. Keep exposing these "seeds of the Serpent." They have gotten away with their evil for far too long in my opinion, but God's ways are higher than my ways and He knows what He is doing.

  2. thanks for writing this. after being closely affiliated with several narcissists and still recovering i too have come to the conclusion these people are inherently evil. this article makes lot of sense. while i was in a realtionship recently i was heavily traumatised. at this time my escape was to write music. i have written a musical about this subject and one of the songs on the album is called worship the beast. the story is about a woman who eats into a magical apple, signs a deal with a narcissistic emperor in exchange for her soul and the mind slavery and trickery that results. thanks for the article.
